vrijdag 5 maart 2010

Day 1:

Day 1 + Day 2:

I dont really feel like writing in english.... you better enjoy my mispellings :P

My flight was really fine. The plane was so BIG! I've never been in such a big plane. i had a good spot, right next to the stairs so it it wasent so crouded.
I couldent sleep becouse i was so cold!! the turned up the heat right after the lights went back on. i dont get why they would make it so cold when people sleep??
the meals where good to, they had vegetarian! Being a vegan is gonna be impossible, i'll try to be good :P but im shure i dont want to be vegan all the time.

I dident really have good vieuw. yeh of the clouds, but well thats going to bore ag]fter 12 ours :P also the entertainment system broke.... all i could do was just hang around trying to talk to my japanese neighbour that dident speek english. so it was really really boring. but i cant complain, it was a good flight, i would have gone crazy in case of any turbulention!

I dinent sit next to the window, so the picture isent good, but the vieuw was nice

At the airport there was a long long procedure of getting in. im shure they'll pick out any terrorist. this was 2 march already by the way, it was still march 1 in Holland. but then i got this:

YES! It would have been a bummer not to get in after all i've done to be able to go on this trip. *partehhhhh*

I got one the train from the airport, then got in the metro. It went so-so, im a real women when it comes to coirdination! (I'll wright about more metro disasters soon lol)

In the metro i was warned by an old weard women, she said the neighboorhood i was staying in is dangerous :O

A nice Japanese men helped me to get to the hostel. actually up until now japanese are so nice. i met a guy when waiting to board at the airport. he gave me his email and he said to show me around Japan. I also am going to have dinner with a japanese man i met on the street. I met an old japanese men that took like 100 pictures of me when i asked him for a picture. and when you ask for help they will most likely bring you to your desitination! the Japanese are really nice :D though they do look at you a little weard, some older people dont want to sit next to you in the metro, or they want to take pictures with you and their hole family :P but i noticed that when i wear my head (so they cant see my blond hair) this kind of stuff happends a lot less.
but however, i was brought to the hotel. wich is a extremely cheep hotel.
Its quite fine. Its old, things are broken and look chabby and dirty. though they clean every morning and i (and some know i freak seeing dirty things:P) find it alright to stay here. its clean and warm. the room is extremely small (and yes i already made a mess of it! and you know, for one no one cares :D)

i had supermarked sushi and tempura for dinner.

then i went to sleep for what seemed like a thousend years

(thinking for you)

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